
From The Innkeepers

October 2018

“I remember when there was no urge 
To cut the land or each other into pieces
When we knew how to think 
In beautiful”

– Joy Harjo

This startling sentence leapt out of the page at me as I was reading the poetry of Native American poet Joy Harjo.  Her tribal memory speaks to us of a time when unity and wholeness both personally and collectively was the predominant mindset.   21st century American culture seems to be dominated by the absence of both unity and wholeness.   The cultural and political divides seem to be getting wider and more contentious with each passing day.


Living a life of service and hospitality here at the Rustic Gate for the past 15 years has taught us how to think in the type of beautiful that Joy Harjo speaks of in her poem.  It cannot be helped or avoided if one is the least bit open and attentive.  We revel in the beauty that surrounds us on a daily basis.  Even in a month where we have seen a lot of rain compared to this past summer, the color that was bursting out from our trees provided a feast for the eyes that brightens the day and our spirits in spite of the gloom of the skies.


Our life here stands in sharp contrast to the larger culture.  Nature invites us to be one with it, to pause and appreciate its beauty in a way that affirms its integral wholeness and interdependence.  If you are part of a group that would appreciate immersing yourselves in how to “think in beautiful” for a while, we know that that language is more easily accessible here.   Our visitors this past month included yoga, quilting, women’s spirituality and artists retreat groups.  We are grateful to them for being part of the beautiful fabric that is our lives here.


Blessings as you journey,